Evolver Wins 5 Year, IDIQ SETA Contract to Support FEMA

Reston, VA – Evolver, Inc announced today that it been awarded a prime contract with the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This is a five year, IDIQ contract for Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) with a ceiling of $290M. The scope of the contract includes information technology consulting services covering Enterprise Architecture (EA), Enterprise Geospatial Services, IT Security, Enterprise Services, Enterprise Infrastructure, and Telecommunications Infrastructure.


“We are excited to have been chosen to support FEMA in its agency mission to architect, implement and support secure, enterprise-wide information technology solutions,” said Evolver President, Michael O’Kane. “We understand the mission and look forward to being an integral component of helping FEMA accomplish their objectives.”


Evolver has been providing a wide range of technology services and support to several agencies in the federal government including Customs and Border Protection, Citizenship and Immigration Services, the US Census Bureau, the US Patent & Trademark Office, the US Army, and the US Department of Justice. Evolver is joined on their FEMA SETA team by Project Performance Corporation, Secure IT, Simtec Global, SPADAC and STG.


“Evolver and our teammates have outstanding qualifications across all functional areas of this contract.” said Doug Barbee, Sr. Vice President, Evolver. “Our team provides FEMA with the broad spectrum of technical capabilities and expertise which is needed to provide the collaboration, thought-leadership, and creative solutions the agency requires.”