Five Trends Shaping Federal Technology Infrastructure

In the ever-evolving digital realm, government agencies face mounting pressure to revamp their digital infrastructure, catering to the dynamic needs of citizens and stakeholders alike. Drawing insights from industry authorities such as Gartner and Deloitte, we delve into the trends shaping federal digital infrastructure to provide an expert overview.

Zero Trust for Federal Agencies – What’s Next? 

Following an administration memo providing a plan for all agencies to move toward zero trust architecture, we have three initial recommendations that should be addressed early in the process at federal, agency and sub-agency levels. 

Daniel Jetton Joins Evolver as Vice President of Cybersecurity

Evolver has named Dan Jetton as the new Vice President of Cybersecurity, joining one of its marquee service teams during a period of strategic expansion. Dan’s mission will be to advance Evolver’s cybersecurity strategy, building on its strong foundation with government and commercial clients.

Evolver presents on converged security at ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference

  Chip Block, Vice President of Evolver will present: The Chief Security Officer: Why Industry Has Converged Physical and Cyber Security and Why Government Should Take Notice.   The session is a Ted Talk style discussion that will take audience members through the merging of cyber and physical security into converged security, a holistic approach […]

What’s involved in a cyber risk quantification?

Cyber risk quantification identifies assets, understands threat communities, defines the loss event, and determines the financial impact of a data breach.   A cyber risk quantification, as with any type of assessment, must start with proper scoping.   Specifically to cyber risk quantification, it is essential to clearly establish who, what and how. Who – […]